札幌市の郊外、緑が残る市街化調整区域に面した緩やかな傾斜地に建つローコスト住宅。 敷地の傾斜に沿って4つのレベルを持つ床を設け、室内に地形をつくり出す。この段差は、地上部分のコンクリート量を減らし、予算を抑えることに貢献すると同時に、ほとんど内部建具の無いこの家においては緩やかにスペースを分節するという役割も担う。
The house is located in a suburb of a Sapporo city in Japan. The site is inclined gently and the snowfall during winter exceeds 6m there. It is the edge of domiciliary area and the low prohibits to build houses behind the site.
By hearing the client saying, “It is so comfortable just being under this tree… “, the idea to recreate the environment of the land site into the residence started to come out.First, the topographical feature was created by 4 levels of the floor along the slope. These level differences of the floors function as to divide the spaces gradually in this house, where there are very few internal fittings.
Depending on the base floor level, the level differences are created on the second floor, reflecting the land inclination. The roof and the ceiling consist of four surfaces, considering the snow coverage and sliding down direction. The walls, lined in a polygonal shape, connect the gap from the required space of the function of each floor. In this space, the image of sunlight shining through the tree leaves is created by the sunlight coming in from all sorts of openings. The sunlight changes every moment by seasons and time, just like a “distribution of light”. The polygonal walls, ceiling, and different floor levels make the unpredictable complex light distribution to appear inside the house, by catching, enlarging, and copying the incoming lights. Our hope was that the lights in this house can bring the opportunity to create the place where family gather, such like feeling comfortable being underneath a tree.
撮影:酒井広司 Photo: Koji Sakai